Cross browser event listener

Sometimes, we need to attach or detach an action with an element for specific event where listener function depends on browser. By using following code snippet anyone can do that in all browsers: function addEvent(obj, evType, fn, useCapture) { useCapture = (useCapture === undefined ? false : useCapture); if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); }…

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Multiple login in google talk

Most of us have multiple google talk IDs and used third party software to login at a time. But, anyone can do multiple login to gtalk by using a simple trick below: Right click gtalk icon and select properties Add /nomutex at the end of target property like following way “C:UsersMorshedAppDataRoamingGoogleGoogle Talkgoogletalk.exe” /startmenu /nomutex Click…

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HTTP basic authentication in rails to protect staging server

Sometimes, you may need to protect your staging server from outside world. It can be done easily by using http basic authentication in rails3. I did following things to use HTTP basic authentication to protect my staging server: YML file with username and password pair: devuser: devpasstestuser: testuserpass Loaded YML data from application initializer: HTTP_AUTH_USERS…

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Rails application deployment using shell script

I have used following shell script to deploy one of my Ruby on Rails applications: DATES=`date +%Y%m%d%H%I%S`service apache2 stop &&mysqldump -u[user] -p[pass] [yourdbname] > “your backup directory”[yourdbname]_${DATES}.sqlgit pull &&bundle install –path [your bundle path] &&bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production &&mv [your application’s production log file] [your application’s production log backup path]/production_${DATES}.log &&touch [your application’s production…

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