All posts by Morshed Alam
What should be your approach to establish in your life?
In my professional life I have seen people having said following things: I feel frustrated about my status. I am confused what should I learn? How should I learn? How can I learn? I am not interested in subject “Database” or “Design” etc. I Know enough!!! I have not enough time to learn. I don’t…
How to prevent print a block of an HTML page?
Sometimes you may need to prevent printing a block of an html page. You can do it easily. Create a CSS class by following way and add it to your header section: <style type=”text/css” media = “print”>.noprint{display: none;}</style> Note that the media of the css script will be print. Now simply add the css class…
Background color or image problem of an iFrame in IE
Few days ago I have faced background image problem for iFrame in IE and search in web for the solution but i did not get any help. Then I have tried to solve it and finally I have solved this by using following two attributes background: transparent; and background-color: transparent; Below is the source HTML…
Ruby on Rails Plugins and uses
Plugins is type of programming scripts by which either you can extend existing functionality or add new feature in your application. Plugins generally have well-defined boundary to their possible set of actions. There are many reason to use plug-ins, some of the main reasons are: To reuse the code/functionality so that developer can avoid to…
Most useful tutorials to develop web application using Ruby on Rails
Some of my friends asked me how he/she can develop web application using Ruby on Rails. So I have written following two articles about web development using Ruby on Rails: Developing Web Application using Ruby on Rails How can I create sample application using Ruby on Rails? Also, I am sharing some tutorials that I…
How can I create sample application using Ruby on Rails?
To create a sample web application using Ruby on Rails needs to setup environment first which I explain in my previous blog. Now we will create a sample application to manage (CRUD) user information by using NetBeans IDE. Below are the steps to create a sample application: In the NetBeans IDE, choose File > New…
Developing Web Application using Ruby on Rails
Rails uses the MVC pattern to organize application programming. Its provides scaffolding which can automatically construct some of the models and views for website and intended to emphasize Convention over Configuration, and the rapid development principle(DRY) and it has various packages, namely ActiveRecord(for database access), ActiveResource(web service), ActionPack, ActiveSupport and ActionMailer. Developer can make plugins…
Implementation of CruiseControl.rb and RCov
CruiseControl.rb is Ruby based continuous integration tool which is used for continuous build process including testing, email notification. Also provide the details of all build. On the other hand, RCov is very well known code coverage tool for Ruby. It is used to get the information of test coverage. These two tools are so good…
Liquid design : Importance and Considerations
The term “liquid” implies that a Website should flow smoothly into whatever space it is given. If you use a high resolution monitor, this may mean that you need to re-size your browser a little, which most people in that situation do. If you have a low resolution monitor, you will still see the information,…
Importance and considerations to make a user friendly web application
From my 4+ year’s professional experience I realized some important things to build user friendly website. Actually this will help to increase users of your website. These things are not big deal. Users first want a stable and easy application which is easy to use. After this they compare features with another application. Always assume…